Author. Advocate.

Bontle Moabi is a South African born writer.
She advocates for endometriosis and is passionate about many other causes.
Like many, she has faced adversity and those experiences have steered her into the direction of her purpose of healing and empowering those around her. She uses writing as a way to express herself as she has in the anthologies titled ‘Church’ and her latest, ‘Memories of His Bathroom Floor’. Through her own journey of healing and by sharing her testimony, she hopes that her literature will help liberate someone.



is a journey of a love experience expressed as a single poem spread across an entire book. The church is used as an analogy to symbolize a deeply devoted love portrayed as a worship experience.


Memories of His Bathroom Floor

Is a written illustration of a heartbreaking sequence of events that are expressed as poetry. Every tear shed on this bathroom floor has been accounted for by these words. It is a survivors recollection of memories of a vile and heinous crime. It is a nightmare that turned to reality and the struggle to heal and forgive.


I made you my church.
In you I submitted to the headship of Christ
I magnified the glory of God because of you
My sainthood was perfected in you.

— Church