Who Am I Beyond The Pain?

Who Am I Beyond The Pain?

Healing can feel like a betrayal of the pain. Maybe identifying as something other than hurt, broken, damaged, or traumatized doesn’t quite give us the edge. We feel the need to constantly revisit the pain, to sit in it a little longer so it can fuel us and remind us of our 'why.' Perhaps it makes us more relatable or admired for being where we are with the accomplishments we now have.

But what if we’ve taken it too far and have no room to be anybody else outside of our pain?

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Happy Women’s Day!
Women's Day, Healing, Survivor Bontle Moabi Women's Day, Healing, Survivor Bontle Moabi

Happy Women’s Day!

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. I think this one is self-explanatory but just a reminder for when those intrusive thoughts creep in and you feel inadequate or like you don’t belong, know that you are amazing, unique, enough, and made not only in His image but His likeness too. 

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